When paying by credit card, please provide the card number, validity and the check digit in the checkout. You will find the check digit on your credit card. It is a 3-digit (Visa / Mastercard, on the back of the card) or 4-digit number (American Express, on the front). The check digit ensures security on the Internet. It is possible that we may ask for other security features during the payment process.
We already charge the credit card when the order is confirmed. If you cancel the order before it is shipped, we will refund the amount immediately.
Your credit card details are safe with us!
Your credit card data is encrypted and transmitted to Stripe, a well-known financial service provider, where it is processed. At no time do we get any access to your credit card number.
We have not received a single customer complaint worldwide in recent years that credit card data has been misused due to security issues at SomniShop (status 07/2020);
For security reasons, payment by credit card can only be used in the online shop, but not for ordering by phone or e-mail.
Refunding for payments by credit card
The refund will be credited to the credit card that was used for the original payment. Please note that with some payment methods (such as credit card) it may take several business days before the refunded amount is credited back to your account. Unfortunately we have no influence on this.