Positional Training Products
Over 60 percent of snorers only snore when lying on their back. The cause of snoring is then that the tongue slides down their throat while they sleep, thus narrowing or even blocking the airways. Do you belong to this majority?
Then our positional therapy aids could help you. These encourage you to sleep on your side and gently prevent you from lying on your back. This prevents the tongue from sliding down the throat during sleep.
Read more about the various positional therapy aids and their advantages and disadvantages here... Show more
A quick overview of the positional therapy aids

The different types of positional therapy aids – in a nutshell
Anti-snoring pillows – the most popular product category
The best known positional therapy aids are anti-snoring pillows. They are designed to keep to turn your head to the side, while you sleep, as a rule encourages the body to turn onto the side too.
How does an anti-snoring pillow work?
An anti-snoring pillows typically has a wave shape: while it is arches upwards in the middle, the sides are significantly lower. It puts your head in a lateral position. This prevents the tongue from sliding backwards into the throat and blocking the airways. This can reduce or even stop snoring caused by lying on your back.
Inconspicuous and comfortable use.
Minor risk of lying on the back (of the head), instead of on the side (of the head).
Continue to the category page anti-snoring pillows.
Anti-snoring shirts – perfect for starting out with
You wear an anti-snoring shirtsjust like a normal T-shirt. You can insert a roll into a pocket on the back of the shirt. This can be either a rigid foam roll or an inflatable air cushion. The use of an anti-snoring shirt is very easy. It is also a relatively inexpensive solution. The anti-snoring shirt is therefore an ideal choice to start with.
Our tip: Also buy an extra shirt, so that you have an anti-snoring shirt to wear when one shirt is in the wash.
How does an anti-snoring shirtwork?
The rigid foam roll or inflatable air cushion in the back of the shirt prevents you from sleeping on your back. This, in turn, prevents the tongue from sliding into the back of the throat at night and blocking the airways. The snorining that you experience while sleeping on you back is reduced or even prevented.
Relatively inconspicuous, inexpensive, can be easily transported or taken along on journeys.
Little or no effectiveness in the case of severe obesity, cannot be individually adjusted.
Continue to the category page for anti-snoring shirts.
Positional therapy vests – popular in sleep labs
Positional therapy vests are a very effective remedy to prevent snoring that occurs when you lie on your back. Positional therapy vests have an ergonomic fit and adapt well to the shape of the body. Due to their robust construction and excellent fit the vests are also suitable for heavyset people. Positional therapy vests are therefore often recommended by sleep labs (for position-related sleep apnoea).
How does a positional therapy vests work?
The positional therapy vest prevents you from rolling onto your back at night. Which prevents your tongue from sliding backwards into your throat and thus blocking your airways. This, in turn, prevents snoring from occurring when you are lying on your back.
Effective, ergonomic, also suitable for (very) overweight people, training effect can make wearing unnecessary after a certain time.
Conspicuous, relatively expensive.
Continue to the overview of the positional therapy vest.
Anti-snoring backpacks – robust and personalised
An anti-snoring backpack is worn at night over the pyjamas. It prevents you from rolling over onto your back while sleeping. The adjustment is personalised by means of adjustable shoulder straps and, if necessary, on the straps around the belly. The anti-snoring backpack is most effective when worn tightly against the body.
How does an anti-snoring backpack work?
The anti-snoring backpack is designed to prevent you from rolling onto your back at night. This prevents the tongue from sliding down into the back of the throat and obstructing the airways. Snoring is thus prevented.
If you wear an anti-snoring backpack, it is not possible to lie on your back. Anti-snoring backpack are therefore very effective positional therapy devices.
Effective, personalised adjustment
Continue to the anti-snoring backpack.
With this belt the snorer can train themselves to sleep on their side. This clearly distinguishes it from the other positional therapy aids, which mechanically prevent snorers from sleeping on their backs. The belt is therefore a training device to get you accustomed to sleeping on your side over a period of time.
How does an electronic anti-snoring belt work?
The belt vibrates during sleep when one rolls over onto the back while sleeping, prompting the wearer to roll back on to their side. This impulse from the electronic anti-snoring belt is intended to teach the wearer to sleep on their side in the long run. If the training effect is successful and the wearer changes their sleeping behaviour, position-dependent snoring can even be permanently eliminated.
Very modern, sustainable therapy approach, very unobtrusive.
Vibration can be perceived as disturbing, more expensive than other positional therapy aids.
Continue to the somnipax electronic anti-snoring belt.