Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to charge items directly to each other.
Therefore, please use the 30-day return policy for exchanging items. Just send us the article you wish to return. The return address is:
health.On Ventures GmbH
Im Gewerbegebiet 5
D-91093 Heßdorf
You can find more information about the returns process here.
We will then refund you within 1-2 business days. You can then order the desired article comfortably via somnishop.co.uk. The costs of the return shipment are always on your account.
If the article is defective, we of course bear the costs of the return. In this case please contact us in advance and send us a picture of the defect to service@somnishop.co.uk.
Please note that an exchange of hygiene products (such as snoring splints, CPAP masks or nose spreaders) is excluded if the hygiene packaging has been opened.