Philips Respironics DreamWisp Nasal Mask (1 Mask Cushion)

- Comfort 4.5 out of 5, at 20-25 dBA it's quiet, freedom of movement 5.0 out of 5
4.0 of 5 stars (6 Customer reviews)
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Delivery: UK & Ireland +/- 3-7 Business days
  • Great freedom of movement - ideal for side sleepers
  • Minimal facial contact - easy handling thanks to magnetic fasteners on the headband
  • No need to deliberate over the right size thanks to a the trial pack (comes with mask cushions in 3 sizes)
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Philips Respironics DreamWisp Nasal Mask (1 Mask Cushion) Comfort 4.5 out of 5, at 20-25 dBA it's quiet, freedom of movement 5.0 out of 5

We recommend those accessories

SomnoSept CPAP Cleaner 01
oxyhero Basic CPAP Hose

Product description

Thanks to the top of-the-head tube, the Philips Respironics DreamWisp nasal mask offers amazing freedom of movement. The tube is not perceived as annoying and the mask is thus also suitable for stomach and side sleepers. In addition, the air flows through the mask frame, which ensures a continuous air supply.
Due to minimal facial contact and the resulting free field of vision, the mask is particularly suitable for spectacle wearers or patients who like to watch TV or read before sleeping. The mask nevertheless fits snugly and does not slip out of place. In addition, the mask cushions seal reliably and are comfortably seated in the nose.
Putting on and taking off the mask is also particularly quick and convenient thanks to magnetic fasteners on the headgear. Available in 5 differenz sizes. If you are unsure about the size, check out our DreamWisp Trial Pack with 3 mask cushions (size S+M+L).

Compare with similar products

Therapeutic pressure
Sound volume
Material of mask cushion
Minimum-maximum lifespan (months)
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4 to 30 hPa
20-25 dBA
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Diameter of hose/ tube connection
22 mm
Therapeutic pressure
4 to 30 hPa
Type of mask
Nasal Masks
Philips Respironics
Sound volume
20-25 dBA
Material of mask cushion
Ease of cleaning
Freedom of movement
Delivery time
3-7 days
Simplicity of use
Minimum-maximum lifespan (months)

Scope of delivery

Philips Respironics DreamWisp nasal mask (mask frame, tube connector, headgear, mask cushion).

Customer reviews (6)

4.0 of 5 stars 6 Customer Reviews
5 Stars 66% 4
4 Stars 0% 0
3 Stars 16% 1
2 Stars 0% 0
1 Star 16% 1
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Return Policy

For hygiene reasons, this product is delivered in sealed hygienic packaging. You are therefore NOT able to return the product if the sealed hygienic packaging has been unwrapped. Provided the sealed packaging is unopened, you have the option to return the product to us within 30 days of receipt.

This does not affect your statutory rights, most notably with regard to product defects.

You can find further details of your right to return goods in our GTC.

Instructions for use

Product safety

Manufacturer: Respironics Inc., 1001 Murry Ridge Lane, Murrysville, PA 15668 USA,

Person Responsible: Respironics Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Gewerbestrasse 17, 82211 Herrsching, Germany,

Additional safety information can be found in the instructions for use.

More information

CPAP masks are wear parts. The service life of a CPAP mask is therefore 5 to 6 months. Usual wear and tear, particularly of mask cushions (e.g. a tear in the mask cushion after 3 months of use) or head straps (baggy strap after several months of use) does not constitute a material defect.

Due to the production methods used, CPAP masks may smell of plastic or silicone. If this smell does not evaporate after initial use, it often helps to clean the CPAP mask under fresh water (with the addition of SomnoSept, if necessary) and to leave to dry.


Magnets with a magnetic field strength of 400 mT are used in the mask. With the exception of the devices identified in the contraindication, ensure the mask is kept at least 6 inches (approx. 15.24 cm) away from any other medical implants or medical devices that can be impacted by the magnetic fields to avoid possible effects from localized magnetic fields. This includes household members, caregivers, and bed partners that may be in close vicinity to patients that use the masks.


  • Pacemakers
  • Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD)
  • Neurostimulators
  • Magnetic metallic implants/electrodes/valves placed in upper limbs, torso, or higher (i.e. neck and head)
  • CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) shunts (e.g., VP (ventriculo peritoneal) shunt)
  • Aneurysm clips
  • Embolic coils
  • Intracranial aneurysm intravascular flow disruption devices
  • Metallic cranial plates, screws, burr hole covers, and bone substitute devices
  • Metallic splinters in the eye
  • Ocular implants (e.g., glaucoma implants, retinal implants)
  • Certain contact lenses with metal
  • Implants to restore hearing or balance that have an implanted magnet (such as cochlear implants, implanted bone conduction hearing devices, and auditory brainstem implants)
  • Magnetic denture attachments
  • Metallic gastrointestinal clips
  • Metallic stents (e.g., aneurysm, coronary, tracheobronchial, biliary)
  • Implantable ports and pumps (e.g., insulin pumps)
  • Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulators
  • Devices labeled as MR (magnetic resonance) unsafe
  • Magnetic metallic implants not labeled for MR or not evaluated for safety in a magnetic field

Click here for additional information.

Instruction manual

Here you can find detailed instructions for using the Philips Respironics DreamWisp.