#1 Bestsellerin CPAP Hoses

oxyhero CPAP hose 19 mm

- standard CPAP hose / tubing, length 180 cm,19 mm inner diameter, 22mm diameter rubber connector
5.0 of 5 stars (3 Customer reviews) | 100.0% customer satisfaction
#1 Bestsellerin CPAP Hoses
In Stock (20+ items)
Dispatch: UK & Ireland +/- 3-7 Business days
  • Robust: Robust and at the same time flexible CPAP hose / tubing with 22mm rubber connector for connecting your CPAP mask to your CPAP device. Inner diameter of the hose is 19mm.
  • Suitable: For connecting all standard CPAP devices to CPAP masks with 22mm connector. Not suitable for those devices or masks that have a tube / hose connector with a diameter of 15mm.
  • Made in Germany
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oxyhero CPAP hose 19 mm standard CPAP hose / tubing, length 180 cm,19 mm inner diameter, 22mm diameter rubber connector

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Original price was: £14.95.Current price is: £13.46.

Product description

Rubber connector: 22 mm diameter
Hose: 19 mm inner diameter
Hose length: 180 cm


Spare part type

Scope of delivery

1 hose / tube

Customer reviews (3)

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Return Policy

For hygiene reasons, this product is delivered in sealed hygienic packaging. You are therefore NOT able to return the product if the sealed hygienic packaging has been unwrapped. Provided the sealed packaging is unopened, you have the option to return the product to us within 30 days of receipt.

This does not affect your statutory rights, most notably with regard to product defects.

You can find further details of your right to return goods in our GTC.

Instructions for use

Product safety

Manufacturer: Plastiflex Group NV, Buntjesstraat 13, Paal-Beringen 3583, Belgium, info@plastiflex.com